Mississippi River Legislative Caucus (MRLC)
Assisting river legislators who are committed to a thriving, healthy Mississippi River

The Mississippi River Legislative Caucus (MRLC) is designed to assist legislators representing river districts. The goal of the MRLC is to build the capacity of legislators to more effectively address river health and water quality issues and to create a forum for collaboration on growing communities and local economies. MRLC staff provide support to legislators through in-state meetings, alerts and updates, individual outreach, and a regional forum for legislators throughout the corridor to collaborate with their peers across state and party lines.
Key Facts
92% of the nation’s agricultural exports are produced by farmers in the Mississippi River basin.
The Mississippi River supplies drinking water to over 15 million Americans.
The river provides natural habitat for 25% of freshwater fish species in the United States, as well as serves as a major flyway for 40% of the country’s migratory bird species.
MRLC Issues
These are the issues we focus on within the Mississippi River region.