Fact Sheet
Transportation and Climate Initiative Program
The Transportation & Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) is a collaboration of Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Other states that are exploring entry into the program are Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Virginia. The TCI-P creates a shared cap-and-invest program to achieve regional transportation emissions reductions. By setting a carbon price on fuel producers and distributors, states can fund transportation priorities and reduce emissions.
Key Points
Key Point 1
At 40%, the transportation sector is the greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic. TCI-P will cap transportation emissions by 30% in participating states between 2023-2032. (TCI-P)
Key Point 2
Modeled after the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the TCI-P will charge fuel suppliers for emissions, trade emissions allowances, and invest the revenue in climate-friendly transportation initiatives. (RGGI)
Key Point 3
TCI-P could create up to 9,000 new jobs and generate $0.5-2 billion in income annually for local transportation programs if implemented in all eligible jurisdictions. Massachusetts has announced a plan for directing up to 50% of revenue to public transit. (TCI-P)
Key Point 4
A Model Rule will be released in 2021. States need to pass implementing legislation in 2021, and 2022 will be a reporting year only. The program will be in effect for 2023-2032. (TCI-P)
Ensuring Equitable, Healthy Transportation
Low income and communities of color bear the brunt of transportation pollution, while simultaneously lacking access to reliable transit. The MOU requires that a minimum of 35% of TCI revenues benefit overburdened and underserved communities. Each participating state will need to establish an Equity Advisory Body to guide investments. If implemented equitably in all eligible states, TCI-P could provide up to $11.1 billion in annual health benefits by 2032.

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