Briefing Book

Offshore Drilling



NCEL Point of Contact

Dylan McDowell
Chief Executive Officer



This year the Biden-Harris Administration placed a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing in federal waters through a sweeping executive order. This policy represents a monumental shift from the Trump administration’s rollbacks to offshore drilling protections and proposals to open up more than 90 percent of the coastline to oil and gas exploration and construction. While the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to act on climate is encouraging, now is the time for states to act and permanently block offshore drilling off their coasts through resolutions, bans in state waters, restrictions on seismic testing, and strict liability laws. This briefing book contains a fact sheet, faq, timeline, and list of enacted legislation


NCEL Resources

Online Resources

Oil Spill Incident Map - NOAA

Map detailing the location of every oil spill and incident where NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration provided scientific support for the response.

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The Economic Effects of Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Exploration and Development

Southern Environmental Law Center study which documents the impact of offshore drilling in the South Atlantic.

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