Page Title: H.B.7699: An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government — Rhode Island Housing And Conservation Trust Fund Act (Restructures Ri Housing And Conservation Trust Fund, Increase Its Membership To 15 Members, 11 Of Whom Are To Be From The General Public And Reallocate The Percentage Of The Funds For Housing, Conservation And Other Goals.)
Bill ID: H.B.7699
Bill Title: An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Rhode Island Housing And Conservation Trust Fund Act (Restructures Ri Housing And Conservation Trust Fund, Increase Its Membership To 15 Members, 11 Of Whom Are To Be From The General Public And Reallocate The Percentage Of The Funds For Housing, Conservation And Other Goals.)
Bill Description:
Sponsors List RI Rep. Lauren Carson (D-RI-075), RI Rep. June Speakman (D-RI-068), RI Rep. Joshua Giraldo (D-RI-056), RI Rep. Megan Cotter (D-RI-039), RI Rep. Brandon Potter (D-RI-016), RI Rep. Michelle McGaw (D-RI-071)
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