Page Title: H.B. 325: A Bond And Capital Improvements Act Of The State Of Delaware And Certain Of Its Authorities For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2025; Authorizing The Issuance Of General Obligation Bonds Of The State; Appropriating Funds From The Transportation Trust Fund; Authorizing The Issuance Of Revenue Bonds Of The Delaware Transportation Authority; Appropriating Special Funds Of The Delaware Transportation Authority; Appropriating General Funds Of The State; Reprogramming Certain Funds Of The State; Specifying Certain Procedures, Conditions And Limitations For The Expenditure Of Such Funds; And Amending Certain Statutory Provisions.
Bill ID: H.B. 325
Bill Title: A Bond And Capital Improvements Act Of The State Of Delaware And Certain Of Its Authorities For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2025; Authorizing The Issuance Of General Obligation Bonds Of The State; Appropriating Funds From The Transportation Trust Fund; Authorizing The Issuance Of Revenue Bonds Of The Delaware Transportation Authority; Appropriating Special Funds Of The Delaware Transportation Authority; Appropriating General Funds Of The State; Reprogramming Certain Funds Of The State; Specifying Certain Procedures, Conditions And Limitations For The Expenditure Of Such Funds; And Amending Certain Statutory Provisions.
Bill Description:
Sponsors List DE Speaker Valerie Longhurst (D-DE-015)
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