Policy Update
Utah and New York Look to Grid-Enhancing Technologies to Increase Transmission Capacity
February 27, 2024
Last week, the Utah Senate passed SB 191 to analyze the cost-effectiveness of grid-enhancing technologies. Grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) are efficiency tools used to maximize the transmission of electricity across the existing system through a variety of technologies.
Why it matters:
Increased transmission development is sorely needed to create a power grid that is reliable, affordable, and clean. Studies show that 80% of the climate benefit of the IRA will be lost if we don’t build out transmission faster. However, new transmission lines take 10 years on average to be operational. GETs can help increase the capacity of the grid faster and without building new lines.
Key Components
Examples of these technologies include dynamic line ratings, advanced power flow control, and topology optimization. State legislation looks at ways to incentivize utility companies to invest in these technologies.
- New York SBS7868 & A9105: Requires that during any reassessment or addition to a transmission system, distribution companies must conduct a cost-effectiveness and timetable analysis of GETs and other transmission technologies. This must be reported to the Department of Public Service, where utilities also have the ability to propose a performance incentive mechanism that would allow financial incentives for the development of GETs.
- Utah SB0191: Requires that during transmission expansion or improvement, distribution companies must conduct cost-effectiveness and timetable analyses of GETs integration. This shall be reported to the Public Service Commission who can then approve recovery of the prudently incurred costs of the GETs.
Other State Action
New York and Utah are not alone in their interest in GETs. California (S.B.1006), Virginia (HB862), Massachusetts (S2531), Maryland (S.B.0920), Minnesota (SF3683), South Carolina (S.B.0909) legislators have introduced legislation calling for transmission planning and GETs integration.
Bill Sponsors
New York’s SBS7868 is sponsored by Senator Rachel May A9105 is sponsored by Assembly Member Khaleel Anderson.
Utah’s SB0191 is sponsored by NCEL State Lead Senator Nate Blouin.