Press Release
State Legislators Call on PJM to Quickly Implement FERC Order No. 1920
July 15, 2024
Improved Transmission Planning Will Ensure Grid Reliability and Energy Affordability
Today 69 legislators from 10 states call on PJM to implement the new FERC Order No. 1920 regarding transmission planning without delay. Strong long-term transmission within PJM is critical to the affordability and reliability of the grid.
“Legislators across this country understand the importance of proactive transmission planning to meet our states’ economic development, climate, and rate-payer protection goals,” said Maryland Delegate Lorig Charkoudian. “We are thrilled that Order 1920 requires the kind of proactive planning that we need from RTO’s. PJM’s historical failures at transmission planning have led to the current concerns about resource adequacy and some of the reliability must run outcomes we are seeing in the region. PJM now has an opportunity to reverse this trend and engage with the spirit as well as the text of Order 1920. With this letter we are urging them to do so, and we stand ready to work with them on this effort.”
On May 13, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released a landmark ruling to improve transmission planning in the United States, recognizing the importance of transmission buildout for a resilient and reliable clean energy future. The ruling, FERC Order No. 1920, extends over 1300 pages long and offers states an abundance of pathways to advance transmission buildout.
Historically PJM’s transmission planning process has failed to minimize costs, meet the needs of a growing and vibrant regional economy, and support the clean energy transition. Several states have adopted climate and clean energy goals which will require much more of their energy to come from cleaner resources in the coming decades than is the case today. There is no time to waste in planning for the transmission system to support future energy needs.
To learn more about the grid’s integral role in climate action and in ensuring energy resilience for the future, visit NCEL’s Utilities and Transmission webpage.
Created by and for state legislators, the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that organizes over 1,300 environmentally-committed state legislators from all 50 states and both parties. NCEL provides venues and opportunities for lawmakers to share ideas and collaborate on environmental issues.