Press Release
State Carbon Pricing Still Within Reach, Carbon Costs Coalition Remains Committed to Pricing Carbon
November 7, 2018
Despite the outcome of Washington’s Initiative 1631, the Carbon Costs Coalition is still committed to putting a price on carbon and state legislators across the country will continue working to move this climate solution forward.
The progress that Washington State showed this year on carbon pricing demonstrates the strong interest and momentum behind pricing carbon pollution not just in this state, but across the entire U.S. While the ballot initiative did not pass this year, the state has advanced the nationwide discussion on the benefits and potential that carbon pricing offers. This is a conversation that is being echoed in many states that are actively pursuing a price on carbon pricing.
“The Carbon Costs Coalition demonstrates the breadth of interest in carbon pricing that goes beyond just the state of Washington, said Vermont State Representative Sarah Copeland Hanzas. “This isn’t just a one-state movement. We are committed to strong market-driven actions to address carbon pollution. It’s up to states to show the country the leadership needed to take aggressive climate action.”
The Carbon Costs Coalition is a growing network of state legislators from 10 states who are committed to putting a price on carbon. The Coalition is growing across the country and is continuing a coordinated effort to move toward carbon pricing. Over one in five states considered carbon pricing legislation during the 2018 session and this number is expected to increase during 2019.
State efforts during 2018 included: Oregon made substantial progress on a cap and trade bill that will be considered again with priority in 2019. The Massachusetts Senate became the first legislative body to approve revenue-neutral fees as a carbon pricing option. Utah introduced the country’s first bipartisan carbon pricing bill and New Mexico passed a resolution to study the impacts of a potential price on carbon in the state.
“Across the entire political spectrum, there’s a growing consensus that market-driven programs are the solution to address the real costs of carbon pollution,” said Connecticut State Representative Jonathan Steinberg. “This coalition shows the united momentum that already exists from states working together toward accounting for the costs of carbon.”
The Carbon Costs Coalition is organized by the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators. Created by and for state legislators, NCEL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that organizes over 1,000 environmentally committed state legislators from all 50 states and both parties. NCEL provides venues and opportunities for lawmakers to share ideas and collaborate on environmental issues.