Legislator Spotlight
Representative Jeremy Gray, Alabama
February 7, 2024

What motivated you to get involved with environmental issues?
Recent natural disasters in rural Alabama, specifically in my district in 2019. We experienced two category 4 tornadoes that killed 23 people in my district. This has become a frequent occurrence across the southeast.
What environmental issues are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about water quality, resiliency, and land conservation. As a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations committee, I advocated for higher and recurring funding for water and land conservation. I have highlighted needed improvements to the way we address impaired waters and have fought against practices that may endanger human health.
How has NCEL helped you in your work?
NCEL has given me a new awareness and motivation to address issues that may not always be at the forefront of the state of Alabama.
What is your greatest environmental policy success story?
I am currently in collaboration with Conservation Alabama in hopes to create multiple success stories.