Quarterly Impact
Quarterly Impact Report: December 2024
December 19, 2024
As NCEL closes out 2024, the past few months centered around assisting legislators in preparing for the session, analyzing the impacts of the election on states, and initiating a strategic planning process. NCEL was also excited to expand our team with the hiring of Emily Odgers as Grid Specialist.

Election Analysis
Following the 2024 election, NCEL released an election analysis report highlighting new state legislative landscape and what the elections could mean for state environmental policy. On November 12, staff also hosted a post-election briefing on these impacts. Learn more about how states hold the key to protecting our land, air, water, and wildlife.
- Briefing on How States Can Protect Our Waters Post-Sackett: On December 19, NCEL hosted a webinar about the impacts of the Sackett v. EPA decision on ephemeral and intermittent streams. These are streams and creeks that run dry over portions of the year. The loss of protection for these water sources is a major threat to the nation’s drinking water. This webinar focused on what states can do to ensure waters within their states are protected.
- PJM Tour and Strategy Session: On December 16, 11 legislators and seven legislator staffers from six states met at PJM Headquarters for a meeting with key PJM officials and a tour of the PJM control center. The conversations focused on current and future issues facing PJM and states such as transmission planning, getting more renewables onto the grid, and changes to the capacity market. The tour was followed by a strategy session amongst legislators on options available to states to improve the reliability and affordability of the grid. Read more.
- FERC Order 1920 Workshop: On October 23, NCEL hosted a workshop around FERC’s new Order 1920: “Building for the Future Through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation.” Legislators learned about progress in each region on transmission planning and then had region-specific breakout groups to discuss future needs and plans.
- Legislator Workshop on the Financial Tools in the Inflation Reduction Act: On October 16, NCEL and the State Support Center hosted a workshop for legislators around topics such as direct pay, the DOE Loan Programs Office, and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Legislators had the chance to ask personalized questions about how to get projects funded or how a mechanism would work in their state.
- Blue Planet Hawaii Tour and Partnership: Blue Planet Foundation and NCEL hosted a weeklong policy workshop in Hawai’i between December 2 – 7. The workshop gave legislators working to transition toward 100% renewable energy a chance to hear from policy experts, utility executives, community organizers, climate advocates, finance experts, and many more leaders with extensive knowledge of how we can accelerate renewable energy solutions
- NCEL and NAP Learning Series on Policy Essentials for Strong State & Tribal Relations: On November 25, NCEl and NAP hosted a conversation on idea to implementation of State/Tribal relations and good governance. Attendees heard about must-know essential concepts, current legislation to create a Tribal legislative liaison office, and funding mechanisms that state lawmakers can champion for Tribal-led conservation projects. Learn more.
- NCEL and University of Hawai’i Form Official Partnership: At the National Caucus of Environmental Legislator’s National Forum in Louisville, Kentucky, NCEL and the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) announced a new partnership and memorandum of agreement to provide state legislators with environmental research expertise. Science-based decision-making is more important than ever. This partnership will expand NCEL’s access to vital research so that state legislators can develop evidence-based best practices and new policy solutions. Learn more.
- Wildfire Fact Sheets and Policy Options: NCEL released a suite of fact sheets and policy options around wildfires including Wildfires and the Grid Fact Sheet, Wildfires and Insurance Fact Sheet, Wildfires and Climate Adaptation Fact Sheet, Wildfire Resilience and Preparedness Policy Options, Post-Fire Relief and Response Policy Options.
- Clean Energy Siting and Permitting Fact Sheet: This resource provides an overview of energy sitting and permitting as well as provides policy options for streamlining clean energy projects.
- Energy Storage Fact Sheet: This resource provides an overview of energy storage as a means of supporting consistent renewable energy supply and provides policy options for states.
- Release of Updated SESA Report: NCEL staff released a 2024 update to the State Laws for Endangered and Threatened Species Report. The main trends in policy progress from 2024 included clarification in the definition of wildlife, transformative fiscal actions, and mainstreaming biodiversity decision-making and enforcement. Read more.