Policy Pathways to Land Back
November 16, 2023
Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) and the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL) have joined forces in an effort to enhance collaboration between philanthropic funders, Tribal leaders, and state officials. Together, NAP’s unparalleled expertise in leveraging private investment for Tribal-led conservation and NCEL’s expansive network of environmentally-minded state lawmakers will build a bridge between the public and private sectors and create a powerful network working together for the betterment of the environment. Join us as we build connections between private philanthropic funders, regional funding networks, Tribes, and state officials.
As part of our ongoing learning series for state legislators, this session on “Policy Pathways to Land Back” highlights efforts to restore ownership of ancestral homelands to Tribes through federal, state, and private land transfers, including fee title transactions. The panelists will also speak on land-use agreements for co-management, stewardship, conservation easements, and Indigenous access for cultural, ceremonial, and gathering purposes. State legislators will gain insights into meaningful ways to support the Land Back movement rooted in the return of Tribal Nation sovereignty and become engaged in policy solutions that promote Indigenous knowledge of lands and waters for environmental protection and to address the impacts of climate change.
For more information about federal and state Land Back considerations, check out Laura D. Taylor’s Land Back Policy Brief.