Policy Update
Maryland Bill to Address Sea Level Rise Inundation and Coastal Flooding
The Maryland legislature recently passed a bill to better prepare the state for the effects of sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion. The bill, HB 1350 and SB 1006, was sponsored by State Representative Dana Stein and Senator Paul Pinsky. It is currently awaiting the Governor’s signature.
The law requires any state or local highway construction project that uses 50% state funds and has a budget over $500,000 to be built to withstand two feet of sea-level rise and a category 2 storm surge. The bill also instructs the state to develop a plan to handle the increased risks from saltwater intrusion caused by rising sea levels and for counties and municipalities that experience nuisance flooding to develop plans to address this flooding. These plans must be updated every five years.
For more information on similar issues, view our coastal hazard fact sheet.