Legislator Spotlight
Legislator Spotlight: Senator Lisa Cutter, Colorado
July 25, 2024

What motivated you to get involved with environmental issues?
We live in a beautiful state, and I have always cared about nature and the environment. The rapid acceleration of climate change is shocking, and I know that this is an important issue for young people. I feel a keen responsibility to work towards a better world for the next generation.
What environmental issues are you most passionate about and why? How have you worked in the legislature to address these issues?
I began my career as a legislator in 2019 with the goal of working towards zero waste in Colorado and becoming a leader in recycling and waste diversion. I gravitated to this space for many reasons, but primarily because it has huge implications for climate change, and I thought could make a real impact by focusing my efforts here. I requested and was granted an interim committee in 2019 to take a deeper dive into our issues with recycling and lack of infrastructure. Based on the work of the committee, we collaborated with advocates (local nonprofit EcoCycle has been hugely instrumental in creating and executing this vision) and mapped out a plan. Over the last few years, I have run legislation to eliminate single use plastic bags and styrofoam, create one of the first comprehensive EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for packaging in the country, establish a circular economy development center, work towards a better composting system, and required truth in labeling for products represented as compostable.
How has NCEL helped you in your work?
NCEL has been tremendously helpful in connecting me with other legislators in this space and offering resources and encouragement. It’s wonderful to be connected with a community of people who care as much about environmental concerns as I do.
What is your greatest environmental policy success story?
The Extended producer responsibility policy that we passed in 2022 was a huge step forward for Colorado. Our recycling rate is terrible for many reasons, including a patchwork system and lack of infrastructure. NCEL was a great support during the development of this legislation, connecting me with legislators from other states, doing similar work, answering questions and providing additional information and resources.