Legislator Spotlight
Legislator Spotlight: Senator Heidi Campbell, Tennessee
May 8, 2024

What motivated you to get involved with environmental issues?
I’m deeply concerned about the future of our planet from an environmental perspective (as if there’s any other)! We’ve long since passed the point where we can maintain the quality of life our generation, and the generations before us have enjoyed, at the rate we’re going. I believe bold action is needed, and now.
What environmental issues are you most passionate about and why?
Trees, wildlife, biodiversity, air and water quality, our dependence on fossil fuels, trash and litter, agricultural sustainability, global warming, the atmosphere, everything! I am the most environmentally focused senator in Tennessee. I’ve run legislation to save our rivers, eliminate neonicotinoids, and am running an extended producer responsibility act.
How has NCEL helped you in your work?
I greatly appreciate NCEL’s research and networking opportunities!
What is your greatest environmental policy success story?
Support to our State for the Wildlife Corridors funding, as well as bringing awareness and State sharing opportunities for the Green Amendment was very helpful. NCEL helps legislators stay apprised of current science based information on clean energy issues critical to good legislation to protect our environment.