A Year in Review

December 20, 2019



NCEL Point of Contact

Taylor Anderson
Chief Operating Officer


This was a monumental year for state environmental policy. We saw bold action on climate change, groundbreaking legislation passed to reducing plastic pollution, and efforts to conserve our wildlife and wildlands. This blog highlights much of the great work accomplished by legislators across the country this year.

Thank you to everyone who made 2019 a success!

2019 At A Glance:

This year NCEL staff traveled to 29 states where we had over 110 individual meetings with legislators.

NCEL hosted 7 legislative forums covering topics from plastic pollution, to offshore drilling, conservation, and wetland restoration.

The work and successes of the NCEL network received 245 media hits in outlets such as AP, Wall Street Journal, CBS News, Bloomberg Environment, E&E News, and Al Jazeera. 

Legislative Successes:

The 2019 legislative session saw a wave of state legislation aimed at tackling some of the greatest environmental threats facing the US. Environmental state legislators won historic victories such as enhancing renewable energy standards, united rebukes against offshore drilling, and precedent-setting plastic pollution legislation.

Below is a compilation of just some of the environmental victories from states this year.

NCEL National Forum – Ensuring a Healthy Environment For All:

The 2019 National Forum was in Nashville on August 2-4. This year’s event was the largest to date with 152 legislators from 39 states! 

Check out this video of highlights from the Forum:

Let’s make 2020 the year of state environmental policy!

After this year, we can’t wait to see what state legislators will accomplish in 2020. Thank you again for all your support. As always, please contact us if we can assist with your legislative efforts.

Stay tuned in early 2020 for a preview of what we see as the trending policies for the new year.

Please consider becoming a monthly contributor to NCEL. Your donations help us to support legislators throughout the country working to pass strong environmental policies.