Legislative Session Recap
2023 Legislative Session Recap
July 10, 2023
States around the country are wrapping up their legislative sessions after what has been another momentous year for bold and equitable environmental policies. In the wake of consequential midterm elections and a divided U.S. Congress, states continued their leadership on policy solutions for combating climate change, conserving biodiversity, and protecting communities against environmental harm in 2023.
This recap highlights some of the most noteworthy policy trends and bills to pass during the 2023 state legislative sessions. Each section also contains a link to a full list of related bills that were introduced and passed.
Jump to a Section: General Trends | Utilities and the Grid | Electric Vehicles | Building Decarbonization | Just Transition | Land, Water, and Habitat Conservation | Biodiversity | Wildlife Agencies | Outdoor Engagement | Plastic Pollution | Toxic Chemicals | Sustainable Agriculture and Water | Offshore Wind
Most of the sections in this recap contain non-exhaustive lists of enacted legislation. Additionally, not all states have completed legislative sessions at the time of publishing (July 2023). You are encouraged to follow the link at the bottom of each section for more extensive and up-to-date bill information.

General Trends
States Going Big on the Environment
Longer sessions combined with new legislative makeups and 1,500 newly elected state legislators resulted in higher volumes of environmental bills introduced in 2023. Some states also increased their ambitions to pass even more comprehensive policy packages. These states include, but are not limited to, Colorado (which committed to net-zero emissions and passed a host of measures related to climate and pollution protection), Maryland (which enacted one of the nation’s largest offshore wind goals, many sustainable transportation laws, and the comprehensive ‘Maryland the Beautiful Act’) and Minnesota (which committed to 100% carbon-free electricity and enacted a historic $2 billion environmental omnibus bill).
State-Federal Engagement
In the past year, the federal government has launched various programs to help U.S. states secure federal funds for environmental priorities including 30×30 conservation goals and wildlife crossing projects. States have also been working to sustainably and equitably incorporate funding from the historic Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other new federal legislation for green banks, building decarbonization, offshore wind, hydrogen energy, and much more. Minnesota passed legislation to establish its first green bank, the Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority, with an initial allocation of $45M to advance clean energy and greenhouse gas reduction projects.

Utilities and the Grid
As states and the federal government work to decarbonize the economy and transition to renewable energy, a growing number of states have increased their focus on modernizing utility policy. State legislators are working to update outdated utility regulations that often keep fossil fuels online, energy costs high, and the permitting process for new energy projects inefficient. States such as Washington and Colorado took targeted action in 2023 to better equip utilities and transmission systems for the renewable energy transition.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 28 states introduced 99 bills to modernize utilities and the energy grid for the renewable energy transition. A total of 13 bills were enacted across 10 states.

Utilities and Grid Legislation
- Connecticut S.B.7 – Prohibits investor-owned utilities from charging customers for lobbying, trade association dues, public relations expenses, and efforts to argue for rate increases; provides funding for non-utility stakeholders to intervene in proceedings at the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA).
- Colorado S.B.16 – Requires the Public Utilities Commission to consider the need for the expansion of transmission capacity in the state and for local governments to expedite reviews of land use applications regarding transmission lines when practicable.
- Colorado S.B.291 – Requires the Public Utilities Commission to establish mechanisms, guidelines, or rules to limit the amount of rate case expenses that an investor-owned electric or gas utility may recover from the utility’s customers.
- Indiana H.B.1007 – Provides that it is the continuing policy of the state that decisions concerning Indiana’s electric generation resource mix must take into account the following attributes of electric utility service: (1) reliability, (2) affordability, (3) resiliency, (4) stability, and (5) environmental sustainability.
- Maine L.D.325 – Prohibits investor-owned utilities from charging customers for lobbying, trade association and chambers of commerce dues, charitable contributions, and public relations expenses.
- Maine L.D.952 – Establishes the Maine Independent Distribution System Operators (DSO), which will integrate and consolidate efforts that now span several state agencies and ensure all electric grids in Maine are operated to optimize efficiency, equity, reliability, and customer service.
- Texas S.B.1699 — Permits aggregated distributed energy resources to participate in the ERCOT wholesale market without having to register as a power generation company; permits utility providers to promote demand-response programs when possible and make use of grant funding for up to 10% of the costs.
- Virginia S.B.1321/H.B.1604 – Authorizes the State Corporation Commission to require reductions in base rates for electricity if it is determined that utilities are earning above their authorized rate of return.
- Washington S.B.5165 – Extends the planning horizon for transmission needs in utility integrated resource plans from 10 years to 20 years; requires electric utilities that operate transmission to consider opportunities to make more effective use of existing transmission capacity instead of requiring each new clean energy project to include firm transmission.

Electric Vehicles
Transportation remains the leading source of climate-harming pollution in the United States, but states are continuing to advance solutions such as the deployment of electric vehicles. 2023 continued the trend of states focussing heavily on the adoption of electric vehicles and related infrastructure with states such as Hawaii and Illinois passing far-reaching zero-emission vehicle legislation.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 40 states and territories considered over 259 bills related to the deployment of electric and zero-emission vehicles. A total of 31 bills were enacted across 15 states.

Electric Vehicle Legislation
- Hawaii S.B.1024 – Establishes a statewide goal to achieve zero emissions across all transportation modes (ground, air, and sea) within the state.
- Hawaii S.B.1534 – Creates a mileage-based road usage charge to replace state motor fuel taxes beginning on 7/1/2025, for electric vehicles; Requires the Department of Transportation to plan for the deployment of a state mileage-based road user charge program by 2033.
- Georgia S.B.146 – Allows convenience stores and other businesses to charge consumers for electricity by the kilowatt hour instead of the amount of time it takes for electric vehicle drivers to charge their batteries.
- Illinois S.B.0040 – Requires a new single-family residence or a small multifamily residence to have at least one electric vehicle capable parking space; requires electric vehicle parking spaces for affordable housing and for an existing multi-unit residential building subject to an association that undertakes renovation.
- Maryland H.B.0230 – Requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations on or before December 1, 2023, establishing requirements for the sale of new zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in the State.
- Minnesota H.F.2887 – Requires the Department of Transportation to consider projected greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled in its project assessment process.
- Nevada A.B.184 – Establishes an incentive program for the purchase of certain zero-emission medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles.
- Nevada A.B.262 – Requires every employee and department of the State, when purchasing an automobile, to give preference to automobiles that minimize: (1) emissions and (2) the total cost of the automobile over the service life of the automobile; sets a state policy goal to transition all publicly-owned vehicles to vehicles which emit zero tailpipe emissions by 2050.
- New York S.1343 – Each state agency shall include requirements in any procurement for zero-emission vehicles that the components used in the performance of the contract shall be produced or made in whole or substantial part in the United States.
- Washington S.B.5144 – Each producer selling batteries in or into the state of Washington shall participate in an approved Washington state battery stewardship plan through participation in and appropriate funding of a battery stewardship organization.

Building Decarbonization
A focus on electrifying and making energy-efficient upgrades to buildings has gained traction in recent years among climate-committed states. Accounting for 13% of national greenhouse gas emissions, residential and commercial buildings are a necessary target for statewide and national decarbonization efforts. New York and Vermont are among the states to pass strong building decarbonization legislation this year.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 27 states introduced 157 building decarbonization bills. A total of 16 bills were enacted across 10 states.

Building Decarbonization Legislation
- Colorado H.B.1161 – Updates environmental standards for appliances, and expands the types of appliances and fixtures subject to the standards.
- Colorado H.B.1252 – Authorizes the Colorado energy office to award grants for retrofitting existing buildings for installation of a geothermal system for heating and cooling under the single-structure geothermal grant.
- Colorado H.B.1134 – Requires that, on and after January 1, 2024, every home warranty service contract must include terms allowing the homeowner to replace the gas-fueled appliance with a similar device of the homeowner’s choosing that operates on electricity rather than gas.
- Maine L.D.611 – Directs the Maine State Housing Authority to convene a working group to design a program that will provide financial assistance to low-income homeowners for weatherization and other repairs needed to meet the eligibility requirements for home energy assistance programs.
- Maine L.D.815/H.P.504 – Directs the Efficiency Maine Trust to coordinate with the Maine State Housing Authority in order to provide an education and outreach program to low- and moderate-income residents of manufactured housing to increase awareness of energy efficiency programs for which they may be eligible.
- Maryland H.B.0169 – Requiring the Department of Housing and Community Development to procure or provide for electricity customers energy efficiency and conservation programs.
- Minnesota H.F. 2310 – Creating funding pathways for installing rooftop solar panels on schools and other public buildings; creates rebates to help homeowners install electric heat pumps and upgrade electric panels to support the added electricity load from heat pumps, induction stoves, and electric cars.
- New York S.B.S4006C – Enacts the “All-Electric Building Act” which prohibits most new buildings within the state from using fossil fuels by 2029.
- Washington H.B.1390 – Requires state campuses with central heating systems to develop a decarbonization plan and provide privately owned district energy systems a chance to opt-in to improving the efficiency of their energy generation and distribution.
- Vermont S.5 – Establishes a “Clean Heat Standard,” a fossil fuel trading mechanism designed to incentivize Vermonters to transition to heating and cooling systems that reduce carbon emissions.

Building the Clean Energy Workforce – Just Transition
As states continue their transition to renewable energy and work to leverage federal investment, an increasing share took action in 2023 to ensure that their energy transition will be just, inclusive, and equitable. States are advancing a just transition to renewable energy by centering environmental justice and fossil fuel communities, establishing fair and inclusive labor practices, and supporting community-driven solutions.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 24 states and territories introduced 138 pieces of legislation supporting a just energy transition. A total of 15 bills were enacted across seven states and territories.

Just Transition Legislation
- Colorado S.B.006 – Creates the Rural Opportunity Office to support rural economic development matters.
- Colorado S.B.292 – Updates labor requirements for energy sector construction.
- Connecticut H.B.6354 – Establishes a green jobs corps program to help communities respond to climate change and reduce carbon emissions.
- Maryland S.B.0019 – Requires that equity be considered when State transportation plans, reports, and goals are developed.
- New Hampshire S.B.152 – Establishes a marine trades pathway, career and technical education workforce development and innovation fund, and establishes an offshore wind industry workforce training center committee.
- Washington H.B.1176 – Develops opportunities for service and workforce programs to support climate-ready communities.

Land, Water, and Habitat Conservation
States are leading comprehensive solutions to conserve land, water, and wildlife habitats. More states, such as Maryland, are establishing goals to conserve 30% of land and water by 2030 (30×30), and working with the federal government to achieve the national 30×30 goal (America the Beautiful). Alongside 30×30 and other biodiversity protections, states such as Pennsylvania and Nevada worked in 2023 to reconnect wildlife habitats that have been fragmented by roadways and other human-built infrastructure.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least five states introduced seven bills related to establishing a 30×30 goal in 2023; a total of three bills were enacted across three states – Maryland, New York, and Vermont. Additionally, at least 18 states introduced 30 bills to reconnect fragmented wildlife habitats via wildlife corridors and crossings; a total of eight bills were enacted across seven states.

30×30 Legislation
- Maryland H.B.631 – Sets a 40×40 conservation target (conserving 40% of state land by 2040) among other measures.
- New York S.2222 – Requires the Department of Environmental Conservation to publish proposed strategies and methodology for implementing the state’s 30×30 plan and to hold at least one related public hearing. The finalized strategies and methodology must be published to the Department’s website.
- Vermont H.126 – Sets 30×30 and 50×50 goals for land and water conservation.
Habitat Connectivity

Habitat Connectivity Legislation
- Colorado S.B.92 – Creates tax incentives and provides grant funding for projects that support the minimization of impacts on wildlife migration corridors when constructing “agrivoltaic and aquivoltaic” infrastructure.
- Florida H.B.1379 – Authorizes the state’s Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund to use funding appropriated by the legislature for land acquisition projects that can help to connect currently fragmented sections of the Florida wildlife corridor. The bill also authorizes $100 million per year for these land acquisition
- Florida S.B.2500 – Appropriates $850 million for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to purchase lands on the Florida Forever priority list to complete critical linkages within the Florida Wildlife Corridor.
- New Mexico S.B.72 – Creates the Wildlife Corridors Fund for implementation of wildlife crossing projects according to the New Mexico Wildlife Corridor Action Plan. $5 million is committed to S.B.72 in the state budget proposal.
- Nevada A.B.112 – Creates the Wildlife Crossings Account in the State General Fund and appropriates $5 million to the account. Requires the Department of Transportation to administer the Account and to create a list of wildlife crossing projects in consultation with the Department of Wildlife.
- Pennsylvania H.R.87 – Directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study and issue a report on the current status, management, and benefits of wildlife corridors in Pennsylvania.
- Utah S.B.3 – Allocates $20 million to the Department of Transportation to match federal discretionary grant funds awarded to the department to construct wildlife mitigation projects.
- Wyoming S.F.106 – Provides for funding of large wildlife crossing projects and specifies conditions for project funding from the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust income account.

The United States remains one of the only nations without a national strategy to combat the worsening biodiversity crisis, but state legislators have maintained a leadership role on biodiversity by introducing their own policies and advocating for more federal action. In addition to broad level biodiversity protections advanced by states such as New Hampshire, a large share of legislatures considered bills to increase protections for critical wildlife species and habitats that are facing extinction.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least seven states have introduced 12 policies to explicitly protect biodiversity; two bills were enacted across two states – New York and Washington. Additionally, at least 22 states introduced 66 bills to protect certain wildlife species (27 bills were enacted across 16 states) and at least 25 states introduced 85 bills to protect wildlife habitats (12 bills were enacted across 10 states).

Biodiversity Legislation
- New York A.3004D – Appropriates $6.3 million for biodiversity stewardship, research, outreach, and education, including for pollinator diversity, research into the potential adverse impacts of pesticides, and agricultural stewardship.
- Washington S.B.5187 – Allocates $23 million for the protection, recovery, and restoration of biodiversity and endangered species, including $300,000 for a review of the state wildlife agency’s governance and funding structure as it relates to their trustee duties to protect fish and wildlife for present and future generations.

Wildlife Agencies
In the face of intersecting environmental issues – including biodiversity loss and climate change – the demand on state wildlife agencies is increasing despite commonly being underfunded, under-representative of the general public, and lacking authority to manage all wildlife. To better equip state wildlife agencies with the tools they need to address the biodiversity crisis, states like Maryland and Washington are taking legislative action, including revising the funding structure of wildlife agencies, increasing diverse representation on state wildlife commissions, and strengthening the protections for nongame and endangered species.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least seven states have introduced 13 bills to increase state wildlife agency funding and relevance. A total of five bills were enacted across four states.

Wildlife Agencies Legislation
- Maryland H.B.188/S.B.320 – Requires the Governor to appoint a member to the Wildlife Advisory Commission who is an academic researcher with expertise in wildlife biology, wildlife conservation, wildlife management, or ecology. Also requires the membership of the Commission to include representation from the farming, hunting or fishing, wildlife preservation, and passive wildlife recreation communities.
- Minnesota S.F. 2404/H.F. 1900 – Amends the state constitution to provide for the renewal of the environment and natural resources trust fund and increases the portion of lottery proceeds allocated to the fund from 40% to 50%. Creates a new grant to support natural resource and wildlife conservation in underserved and overburdened communities.
- Illinois S.B.3908 – Changes the makeup of the Department of Natural Resources advisory board and removes its regulatory role. Amends the board’s mandate to include protection of biodiversity and species of greatest conservation need, and to promote a conservation-literate population.
- Washington S.B.5187 – Allocates $23 million for the protection, recovery, and restoration of biodiversity and endangered species, including $300,000 for a review of the state wildlife agency’s governance and funding structure as it relates to their trustee duties to protect fish and wildlife for present and future generations.

Outdoor Engagement
Access to outdoor spaces and recreation opportunities provide a range of mental and physical health benefits, while also supporting local economic development and opportunities to build human-nature relationships for long-term sustainability. A majority of states, from New Mexico to West Virginia, continued to lead efforts to make outdoor spaces abundant and accessible to all communities this year.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 41 states and territories have introduced 208 bills to improve outdoor engagement via policy solutions to advance outdoor education, recreation, access, and equity. A total of 57 bills were enacted across 26 states and territories.

Outdoor Engagement Legislation
- Alabama S.B.298 – Established a strategic trail network maximizing existing trail resources, funding connecting trails, and establishing reasonable liability protections for private property owners abutting recreational state land.
- Arkansas S.B.464 – Extended existing state tourism development funding to outdoor recreation and scenic tourism.
- Colorado H.B.1296 – Established a task force to study disability rights and inclusion in the outdoors.
- Florida C.S./S.B.106 – Allocated $200 million to extend the Florida Shared Use Non-motorized Trail Network through the state wildlife corridor.
- Louisiana S.R.84 – Established a healthy children task force to promote child wellness through access to the outdoors and physical activity.
- New Mexico S.B.9 – Established over $150 million in permanent and legacy funds to conserve and expand access to the state’s most important natural, cultural, and historical resources.
- New Mexico S.B.392 and Maryland S.B.327 – Established youth outreach and education programs to foster interest in outdoor recreation, field sports, stewardship, and wildlife conservation.
- Wyoming H.B.74 – Established a $6 million perpetual trust fund for outdoor recreation and tourism.

Plastic Pollution
Reducing plastic pollution and advancing zero-waste solutions remained a central focus for states in 2023. Some of the primary zero-waste policy approaches advanced by states this year – such as Washington and Hawaii – included banning single-use plastic products, improving recycling and waste management systems, and protecting communities against plastic incineration and other false solutions.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 23 states have introduced 117 bills to address plastic pollution in 2023 specifically around Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), polystyrene bans, truth in labeling, single-use plastic bans or fees, and bottle bills. A total of six bills have been enacted across five states.

Plastic Pollution Legislation
- Colorado S.B.253 – Creates standards for products that are represented, marketed, or advertised in the state as being capable of undergoing decomposition in a controlled composting system.
- Maryland S.B.0222 – Requires that by April 1, 2026 producers of certain packaging materials must submit a producer responsibility plan to the Department of the Environment (DOE) for review and approval. It also prohibits producers from selling or distributing the materials unless the producer has an approved producer responsibility plan on file with the DOE.
- Oregon S.B.543 – Bans takeout food containers made with polystyrene (plastic foam) and PFAS “forever chemicals.”
- Washington S.B.5187 – Requires the Department of Ecology (DOE) to conduct a study regarding local government solid waste management funding to support future solid waste programs. The study must include consideration for reduction of organic waste to landfills, management of products through product stewardship or extended producer responsibility programs, and increased post-consumer content requirements for materials collected in solid waste programs among other provisions.
- Washington H.B.1085 – Requires that (1) new buildings with drinking fountains also provide bottle-filling stations by 2026, (2) larger lodging facilities move away from toiletries packaged in small plastic containers or wrappers, and (3) the use of expanded or extruded plastic foam for overwater structures such as docks be phased out.

Toxic Chemicals – PFAS
Research continues to show the environmental and health threats posed by PFAS “forever chemicals” – a group of chemicals used in a variety of consumer products that persist in the environment and human bodies for years. In 2023, state legislators called on the federal government to set stronger drinking water standards for PFAS in addition to enacting strong policy solutions of their own, like in Oregon, to phase out and increase protections against PFAS chemicals.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 33 states have introduced 204 pieces of legislation to ban or limit the use of PFAS. A total of 22 bills were enacted across 16 states. At the federal level, the Relief for Farmers Hit with PFAS Act (S.747) was reintroduced in Congress in addition to other federal PFAS legislation.

PFAS Legislation
- Indiana H.B.1219 – Establishes a PFAS biomonitoring pilot program under the department of homeland security to collect and analyze blood samples of individuals who were previously, or are currently, firefighters.
- Maryland H.B.0319/S.B.0158 – Requires the Department of Agriculture to study the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in pesticides and requires the Department to report its findings and recommendations on or before November 1, 2023.
- Minnesota H.F.2310 – Appropriates funding to address PFAS contamination. Restricts all unnecessary PFAS uses by 2032, bans 13 product categories’ specific uses, and requires companies to disclose the presence of PFAS in any product. Prohibits the sale, distribution, and use of class B firefighting foam containing PFAS chemicals. Requires Pollution Control Agency to establish water quality standards for certain PFAS chemicals.
- Oregon S.B.543 – Bans takeout food containers made with polystyrene (plastic foam) and PFAS “forever chemicals.”
- Washington H.B.1047 – Beginning January 1, 2025, no person may manufacture, knowingly sell, offer for sale, distribute for sale, or distribute for use in the state any cosmetic product that contains any of the following intentionally added chemicals or chemical classes: ortho-phthalates, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, formaldehyde, mercury, triclosan, and more.

Mississippi River – Sustainable Agriculture and Water
The Mississippi River is a vitally important natural resource that supports biodiversity, agriculture, recreation, and much more. By working to improve the health of this iconic American waterway, states are also addressing intersecting environmental issues that impact agriculture, soil health, and resiliency against worsening flooding events. The Mississippi River Legislative Caucus (MRLC) organizes legislators in river districts who are committed to advancing these solutions in order to provide support and learning opportunities that can assist in their legislative efforts.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least nine Mississippi River states introduced 37 pieces of legislation to improve soil health, reduce nutrient pollution, promote sustainable agriculture, and increase flood resilience. A total of three bills were enacted across two Mississippi River states – Minnesota and Mississippi.

Sustainable Agriculture and Water Legislation (Mississippi River)
- Minnesota H.F.2278/S.F.1955 – Omnibus budget bill that includes legislation allowing the Department of Agriculture to restrict pesticides with intentionally-added PFAS starting in 2032 as well as funding for a pollinator research account. Provides funding for the Forever Green “continuous living cover crops” initiative, Continuous Living Cover Grants, the Emerging Farmers Office, the Farmland Down Payment Assistance Grant Program, and the Farm to School program which brings fresh food from local farms to schools and education centers. The bill also provides funding to help farmers adopt soil health best management practices. Learn more about the omnibus legislation.
- Minnesota H.F.3420 – Provides funding for drought relief and establishes cooperative grants, farm down payment assistance grants, and a soil health pilot program.
- Mississippi H.B.522 – Acknowledges the impacts of faulty septic systems on water quality and assigns responsibilities for general supervision over the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of individual on-site wastewater disposal systems. Requires the submission of information on individual on-site wastewater disposal systems to determine suitability and other functions.

Offshore Wind
U.S. offshore wind energy has the potential to generate nearly double the nation’s current electricity use, create thousands of jobs, and support local economic development, all while producing renewable energy for years to come. With the Biden Administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, states have proven to be crucial partners in the offshore energy transition. In 2023, states such as Maryland, Illinois, and Virginia took action to make the offshore energy transition more efficient and equitable.
- 2023 Policy Impact: At least 13 states introduced 39 policies to advance the offshore wind industry, many with a focus on economic development and equity. Three states – Maryland, New Hampshire, and Virginia – enacted six pieces of legislation.

Offshore Wind Legislation
- Maryland S.B.334 – Extends the termination date for the authorization of participation goals and procedures for offshore wind projects by two years for the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), a state program to ensure that underserved small business owners are included in procurement and contracting opportunities. The bill also extends the deadline for the State to conduct a disparity study by 22 months, which will determine whether there is continued evidence that Minority Business Enterprises are underutilized in state contracting.
- Maryland S.B.781 – Sets a statewide goal of generating 8.5 GW of offshore wind (OSW) by 2031. The bill also includes provisions to maximize federal investments and improve transmission capacity.
- New Hampshire S.B.152 – Establishes an Offshore Wind Industry Workforce Training Center Committee to study the need to build and staff an offshore wind industry workforce training center including high need fields such as electricians and welders.
- Virginia H.B.2444/S.B.1441 – Seeks to improve Virginia’s transition to offshore wind (OSW) energy, in line with the state’s 100% renewable energy mandate, by doing the following: increasing consideration of OSW’s economic potential, ensuring OSW projects are sustainable and provide local economic benefits, and accelerating the timeline for public utilities to construct or purchase one or more OSW generation facilities.
- Virginia S.B.1477 – Authorizes Dominion Energy Virginia (one of the state’s electric utilities) to establish an offshore wind affiliate, which will be authorized to operate as a public utility in association with Dominion. If any ownership interest in the offshore wind affiliate is transferred to an entity outside of Dominion Energy Virginia, any gain to Dominion will be credited to the utility’s customers through a rate adjustment.