National Forum
2018 National Forum
Los Angeles, California
State Legislators From Across the Country Convene for Bold Action on the Environment
In July 2018, 135 state legislators from 37 states convened for the 2018 National Forum organized by the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators. The event provides state lawmakers the opportunity to collaborate on policy solutions on issues related to climate, energy, conservation, and environmental health.
The forum agenda included a discussion of single-use plastic pollution and featured a keynote address from actor, filmmaker, and UN Environment Program Goodwill Ambassador Adrian Grenier.
Mr. Grenier spoke about the need for a culture shift on attitudes toward plastic pollution. “We need to make connections between our everyday life and the environment. Once we do that, we won’t just throw away plastic thinking it will disappear,” he said.
California Air Resources Board Chairwoman Mary Nichols, Former California Senator Fran Pavley, and California Assemblymember Richard Bloom joined a plenary panel about California’s environmental achievements. They highlighted California’s success in improving its air and water quality while also growing its economy and providing opportunities for disadvantaged communities.
Other session topics included climate adaptation and mitigation, wildlife and landscape conservation, eliminating toxins in consumer products and drinking water, and more.
NCEL Executive Director Jeff Mauk believes that states are better positioned than ever before to take action on environmental issues.
“With all of the environmental protection rollbacks at the federal level, state legislators are feeling empowered and excited to take meaningful action on the environment,” said Mauk. “By conserving our coasts, lands and wildlife, safeguarding our drinking water, and reducing carbon emissions and other pollution in the air we breathe, environmental legislators are poised to advance a historic agenda in the coming year.”
Created by and for state legislators, the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that organizes over 1,000 environmentally committed state legislators from all 50 states and both parties. NCEL provides venues and opportunities for lawmakers to share ideas and collaborate on environmental issues.