Success Story
Representative Mary Jo Daley Champions Wildlife Corridors in Pennsylvania
After working for nearly four years to pass a wildlife corridors resolution, Representative Mary Jo Daley sponsored and secured the passage of H.R.87 with widespread bipartisan support. Through meetings with NCEL staff and resource sharing, NCEL helped Rep. Daley develop legislation that built upon effective models in other states while aligning with Pennsylvania’s specific needs and goals.
- Policy Specifics: The 2023 resolution directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a statewide study and issue a report on the status, management, and benefits of wildlife corridors in Pennsylvania within 18 months of enactment.
- Why Wildlife Corridors and Habitat Connectivity Matter: The fragmentation of habitats by roadways greatly inhibits wildlife’s ability to migrate and survive, and also puts humans in continuous danger. Each year, roadway collisions with wildlife in the U.S. worsen the decline in native wildlife species, while leading to roughly 200 human deaths, 26,000 injuries, and $8 billion in costs. Projects to reconnect habitats and reduce roadway collisions, such as wildlife crossings, effectively pay for themselves through savings on medical expenses, property damage, and the value of wildlife lost.
- In the Words of Rep. Daley: “With NCEL’s support, we were able to assemble a terrific group of organizations, advocates, and scientists from across the political spectrum to work on legislation that would authorize a study of existing corridors, identifying their owners, condition, and need for maintenance, as well as where additional corridors were needed. Together, we approached corridors from the collective perspective of wanting to protect Pennsylvania’s rich natural environment in a holistic manner.”
NCEL’s Impact
Through in-state visits with legislators, one-on-one meetings, and the sharing of resources and successful policy models from other states, NCEL staff assisted State Representative Mary Jo Daley in identifying possible provisions to include in a bill related to wildlife corridors and crossings. For Pennsylvania – which ranks third in the nation for wildlife-vehicle collisions – this included provisions that align with the state’s goals of promoting interconnected habitats that support both wildlife and outdoor tourism.
- Collaborating with Other States Through NCEL Working Groups: Representative Daley is also an active member of NCEL’s Wildlife Corridors and Crossings Working Group. This group convenes regularly, allowing legislators to learn from each other, discuss legislation or specific areas of interest, and have informational webinars with subject matter experts.
Outcome – Bipartisan Support and Recommendations for the Road Ahead
The resolution (H.R.87) was adopted on May 23, 2023 after receiving bipartisan support and sponsorship in the State Assembly. In the summer of 2024, the state released a report – as stipulated by Rep. Daley’s resolution – with recommendations for improving habitat connectivity, including that the executive branch launch an interagency commission to identify high-priority areas for wildlife crossings.

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