Page Title: H.B.2594: Game and Fish Laws – As introduced, requires payment of restitution to landowners by persons who commit hunting-related offenses on property where they do not have a legal right to be present; bases restitution amount on the type of animals involved in the offense; requires restitution to be fully paid before other penalties due to the state are paid. – Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 70.
Bill ID: H.B.2594
Bill Title: Game and Fish Laws - As introduced, requires payment of restitution to landowners by persons who commit hunting-related offenses on property where they do not have a legal right to be present; bases restitution amount on the type of animals involved in the offense; requires restitution to be fully paid before other penalties due to the state are paid. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 70.
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Sponsors List TN Rep. Iris Rudder (R-TN-039)
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