Press Release
Mississippi River Legislative Caucus Accepts 2022 Stewardship Award
September 8, 2022
MRLC is being recognized for its work assisting legislators improve the health and resilience of the Mississippi River region.
Memphis, TN – Today, the Mississippi River Legislative Caucus was the proud recipient of the Mississippi River Parkway Commission’s 2022 Stewardship Award. The award was accepted on behalf of MRLC by Tennessee State Representative G.A. Hardaway during the welcoming remarks of MRLC’s Annual Forum taking place in Memphis, Tennessee.
The Stewardship Award is presented to an individual, organization, or community for service on behalf of the environment, agriculture, or recreation within the Mississippi River region. MRLC is being recognized for its collaborative work and regional networking building on issues related to sustainable agriculture, clean water, and outdoor recreation.

“Today’s award reaffirms that the strength of the Mississippi River Legislative Caucus comes from building the capacity of state legislators to address the issues facing the river region,” said Dylan McDowell, NCEL’s Acting Executive Director. “Through information sharing, policy research, regional forums, river tours, and more, MRLC is an embodiment of the real opportunity to work together across states to implement bold new solutions that protect the region’s communities and environment.”
As the 2023 state legislative sessions quickly approach, MRLC staff will continue to expand their work to assist, educate, and convene legislators working to be stewards of a healthy Mississippi River region.
The Mississippi River Legislative Caucus is a project of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL). Created by and for state legislators, NCEL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that organizes over 1,200 environmentally-committed state legislators from all 50 states and both parties. NCEL provides venues and opportunities for lawmakers to share ideas and collaborate on environmental issues.