Policy Update
States Working Towards 100% Renewable Energy
In 2015, Hawai’i became the first state to pass a law setting their renewable energy goal at 100% by 2045. The costs of renewables is decreasing rapidly and in some areas is already competitive with fossil fuels. A recent report says that renewable energy prices will be competitive and in range of fossil fuels by 2020. With the declines in costs, the idea of going 100% renewable is gaining momentum throughout the country as a number of cities making the pledge rapidly increasing.
During the 2018 legislative session, multiple states considered bills that would establish a 100% renewable goal.
- Colorado – Senator Matt Jones and Representative Mike Foote sponsored a bill that would require 100% renewable energy by 2035. Read more about SB18-064.
- Maryland – Delegate Shane Robinson introduced a bill that would require 100% renewable energy by 2035. Read more about HB0878.
- Massachusetts – Representative Marjorie Decker has a bill in Massachusetts that would mandate the state transitioned 100% renewable energy by 2050. Read more about HB3395.
- New Hampshire – Representatives Peter Somssich and Howard Moffett and Senator Martha Fuller Clark introduced a bill to establish a committee that would identify what is needed to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2040. Read more about HB1544.
- Pennsylvania – Representative Chris Rabb introduced a bipartisan bill that would require 100% renewable energy by 2050. Read more about HB2132. Senator Chuck McIlinney introduced a Senate version of the bill as well, SB1140.
- Washington – Senator Kevin Ranker filed legislation that would mandate 100% renewable energy by 2045. Read more about SB6253.