Annual Report

2017 Annual Report



NCEL Point of Contact

Taylor Anderson
Chief Operating Officer


Message from NCEL’s President, Pricey Harrison

States have always been leaders in protecting the health of our constituents and the environment. In the past two decades, state legislators have led the country on landmark environmental policies, such as clean car standards, comprehensive toxics reform, renewable energy standards, banning microbeads in waterways, and so many
more issues.
Throughout 2017, the federal government shocked the country by backing away from its responsibilities to protect its constituents. However, states stepped up to fill that void. When the EPA halted regulations on cancer-causing chemicals, states like Rhode Island and Maine passed bans on harmful flame retardants. When President Trump made the U.S. the only country to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, states like Massachusetts introduced a bill to abide, and over 550 NCEL participants pledged to lead on climate action. As the Clean Power Plan was shelved, states enhanced their renewable energy standards, reduced barriers for solar installations, and redoubled their efforts to put a price on carbon pollution. Fortunately, NCEL was there to allow environmental state legislators to work together across the aisle and across the country to act as a united front, and to gain inspiration from our peers
through this invaluable network.
In this report, you will learn about the progress made throughout the year as well as the work lined up for the year to come. Your support has put NCEL in a strong position to empower state environmental leaders across the country.
On behalf of our more than 1000 NCEL participants from across the United States, I want to thank you for all you do to care for the environment and make it possible for this powerful network to exist.